I’ve written much about how travel can affect the state of your complexion, and how I am always on the hunt for products or ways to solve common problems including dehydration, dullness, breakouts and more. Although there a number of products and brands I use religiously at home, also I sometimes alter my regimen when I travel so I’m not carrying too many things. I love items which multi-task, which hubby and I can both use, and overall I tend to cut back on makeup. When it comes to key my anti-ageing armoury, however, I tend not to change too much, but every once in a while a product comes my way which does multiple jobs, it can be used safely night and day, and it can help your skin with common, on the road problems. Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant is one of these. The reasons why? For a start, as the name states, it’s an exfoliant which means you can leave your facial scrub behind when you go on holiday. But more than that, this lovely product also works to smooth the skin, improve skin tone, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Other key things it can do is clear out blackheads, improve the appearance of large pores, and soothe redness. It’s suitable for all skin types too.
Road testing this product was easy. All you do is cleanse your skin, then apply some to a cotton ball and wipe across the entire face, being careful not to get it in your eyes, concentrating on any areas of concern such as the nose for blackheads and pores, and then leaving it on to dry. The serum has no aroma to speak of, also no colour, and has a lovely silky feel to touch; you will need to leave your skin for a few minutes before applying anything else, with moisturiser and an SPF highly recommended. I used it for around three weeks once a day (although you can use it twice if desired) and after the first week or so I didn’t think there was much of a difference. Then one day approaching the third week I noticed after cleansing my skin one night how soft and smooth it felt. Also, on closer inspection, the blackheads around my nose were less noticeable, both improvements thanks to the two per cent BHA, or salicylic acid, in the formula. While this product isn’t strictly a travel product, one of the reasons I love it besides the fact that it works is that it does a number of jobs in the anti-ageing area which means I can leave my vitamin C powder and prescription vitamin A cream at home, and use the product twice daily if I’m on the road. One simple product, multiple actions, and great looking skin - what’s not to love about that?
Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant costs $36 for 118 mls and is available from www.paulaschoice.com.au.
- By:
- Joanna Hall