Marissa Colby of Brunswick, VIC has won our latest travel competition with the prize being a Lipault X Jean Paul Gaultier 55cm spinner case in black, along with a prepaid VISA card loaded with $100 and a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, with a total value of $679!
To be in the running, all you have to do is fill in the form below and tell us how much the case weighs empty, and then in 25 words which destination you would like to visit taking your new Lipault x Jean Paul Gaultier case and why.
As always, this competition is open only to subscribers of the UltimateTravelMagazine.com's e-newsletter; if you're not a subscriber you'll have to sign up first (don't worry your details will be kept safe and not passed on) but you will be kept up to date with new competitions as they come up, and more!
Click here to read our general terms and conditions, and any terms and conditions specific to this competition if any.
This competition is NOW CLOSED